As a young girl standing at a family wedding I watched man covered in soot kiss the bride, a lucky sweep I was told. I thought nothing more, until at a recent wedding, I observed a regally dressed gentleman in a top hat and frock coat, holding a chimney brush. He kissed the bride and clasped hands with the groom. The debonair sweep was Bob Moore from JEM Chimney Sweeping Service.
Although you must beware of nefarious impersonators, Bob is a genuine sweep and has been trading since 1993 and he now provides this traditional wedding service. Bob has made many wedding days very special.
On your wedding day your Lucky Chimney sweep will wait outside the church, debonairly dressed in traditional Georgian attire, to include top hat and cravat.
As the Bride and Groom take their first steps outside the church, the lucky sweep will offer his congratulations to the newly married couple. He will then kiss the bride on the cheek or hand depending on their preference as well as shaking hands with the groom.
Prior to the day of the wedding we will visit the church as well as co-ordinating with the photographer, to capture a memorable picture exactly how you imagined it. We will also talk to the vicar to plan for all weather contingencies.
We offer a professional service, which endeavours to add a romantic, traditional and lucky touch to your special day and future married life.
“For the life of wedded bliss, you must not miss the lucky sweep’s kiss”